Chemistry Lab Analysis Data Set (ADLBC)

ADLBC Data Set

The ADLBC dataset contains 21,792 rows and 58 columns. Note that this data set is a condensed version of the original CDISC ADLBC data set to accommodate the size restrictions on CTSpedia (see comments and notes in the Define file).

ADLBC Data Definition File

Variable Label Type Contorlld Term Role
USUBJID Unique Subject Identifier
text - Identifier -
VISITNUM Visit Number float - Timing -
LBTESTCD Lab Test or Examination Short Name
text LBTESTCD Identifier Excludes PROTEIN, CHLORIDE, URATE, UREA NITROGEN, CHOLESTEROL GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE to accomodate data set size restrictions on the site
STUDYID Study Identifier
text - Identifier -
DOMAIN Domain Abbreviation
text - Identifier -
SUBJID Subject Identifier for the Study
text - Identifier -
VISIT Visit Name
text - Timing -
ANLDY Analysis Day
float - Timing -
LBDT Date of Specimen Collection
date - Timing -
LBTYPE Type of Lab Test (Hem, Chem)
text LBTYPE Selection -
LBTEST Lab Test or Examination Name
text LBTESTCD Identifier Excludes PROTEIN, CHLORIDE, URATE, UREA NITROGEN, CHOLESTEROL GAMMA GLUTAMYL TRANSFERASE to accomodate data set size restrictions on the site
LBBLFL Baseline Flag
text Y_BLANK Selection -
ONTRTFL On or Off Study Treatment Flag
text YNONLY Support -
ENTMTFL End of Treatment Flag
text Y_BLANK Selection -
BLTRFL Baseline Result Abnormal, threshold range
text LMH Analysis -
LBNRIND Refernce Range Indicator
text - Analysis -
LBTRFL Result Abnormal, threshold range
text LMH Analysis -
LBTRMXFL Most Extreme, based on threshold range
text Y_BLANK Selection Analysis
LBPRFL Result Abnormal, compared to previous visit
text LMH Analysis -
LBPRMXFL Most Extreme, comparison to previous visit
text Y_BLANK Selection Analysis
LBSTRESC Character Result/Finding in Std Format
text - Analysis -
LBSTRESN Numeric Result/Finding in Std Units
float - Analysis -
LBSTRESU Standard Units text - Support -
BLSTRESN Baseline Result
float - Analysis -
BLTMSLO Baseline Times LLN
float - Analysis -
BLTMSHI Baseline Times ULN
float - Analysis -
CHSTRESN Result Change from Baseline
float - Analysis -
LBTMSLO Result Times Lower Limit of Normal
float - Analysis -
LBTMSHI Result Times Upper Limit of Normal
float - Analysis -
LBTRVAL Amount Threshold Range
float - Support -
PRSTRESN Previous Visit Result
float - Analysis -
LBPRRESN Change from Previous Visit, relative to
float - Support -
PRSTRESN Previous Visit Result
float - Analysis -
LBPRRESN Change from Previous Visit, relative to
float - Support -
PRTMSLO Previous Times LLN float - Analysis -
PRTMSHI Previous Times ULN
float - Analysis -
TRTP ADaM Description of Planned Arm
text ARM Analysis -
TRTPCD ADaM Planned Arm Code
text ARMCD Analysis -
TRTPN ADam Planned Arm Code, Numeric
float ARMCDN Analysis -
float - Covariate AGEU in Years
AGEGRP Age Group
text AGEGRP Covariate -
AGEGRPN Age Group, Numeric
float AGEGRPN Covariate -
RACE Race text ADRACE Covariate -
RACEN Race, Numeric
float ADRACEN Covariate -
SEX Sex text SEX Covariate Selection
BLLO Baseline LLN
float - Analysis -
BLHI Baseline ULN
float - Analysis -
LBSTNRLO Reference Range Lower Limit - Std Units
float - Analysis -
LBSTNRHI Reference Range Upper Limit - Std Units
float - Analysis -
PRLO Previous LLN
float - Analysis -
PRHI Previous ULN
float - Analysis -
SAFETY Safety Population Flag
text YNONLY Selection -
ITT Intent to Treat Population Flag
text YNONLY Selection -
EFFICACY Efficacy Population Flag
text YNONLY Selection -
COMPLT24 Completer of Week 24 Population Flag
text YNONLY Selection -
DSREASAE Discontinued Due to AE?
text Y_BLANK Selection -
RANDDT Date of Randomization (Visit 3)
date - Support -
TRTSTDT Start Date of Treatment date - Support -
LSTDOSDT Date of Last Dose
date - Support
TRTDUR Duration of Treatment
float - Support In days

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