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TITLE Case Study:Confidential information in trial monitoring

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BiostatEthicsCaseStudyForm edit

Title_Biostatistics_Ethics_Case_Study Confidential information in trial monitoring
Name_Case_Contributor Shelley Hurwitz
Deidentified_Material Yes
No_Copyright_Restrictions Yes
Case_Presentation A statistician serves on two independent Data and Safety Monitoring Boards (DSMB's) for similar treatments of the same disease, and received the respective closed reports. The data in Trial A's closed report has relevance for Trial B's DSMB recommendation to stop, alter, or continue the trial. Is it ethical to consider Trial A's closed information in your recommendation for Trial B? Are there situations where it would be ethical to use closed report information from one trial in your DSMB deliberations for a different trial?
See Also
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This topic: CTSpedia > WebHome > EthicsBiostat > StatEthicsCaseStudies > BiostatEthicsCaseStudy002
Topic revision: 20 Sep 2013, MaryBanach
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