Example: Cumulative Incidence - Denominator - GI Illness

Lead Author(s): Jeff Martin, MD

GI Outbreak

MMWR reported "Pleisomonas shigelloides and Salmonella serotype Hartford Infections Associated with a Contaminated Water Supply - Livingston County, New York, 1996".

"On June 24, 1996, the Livingston County (New York) Department of Health (LCDOH) was notified of a cluster of diarrheal illness following a party on June 22, at which approximately 30 persons had become ill.

Cumulative Incidence

So the cumulative incidence of diarrheal illness in their cohort of 98 following the party was 57% (56/98).


The denominator is the entire study population - 98 individuals.


Pleisomonas shigelloides and Salmonella serotype Hartford Infections Associated with a Contaminated Water Supply - Livingston County, New York, 1996. (1998). MMWR, 47 (19), 394 – 396