n=5 t=3 g=3 x=matrix(c(1,1,2,2,1,1,3,3,2,3,2,3,2,2,3), nrow=5, byrow=T) y=matrix(c(1,3,1,2,1,1,2,3,2,3,3,3,1,2,2), nrow=5, byrow=T) weight=1 kappa.u(n,t,g,x,y, weight) ###output > kappa.u(n,t,g,x,y, weight) [[1]] kappa at t=1 (k1) kappa at t=2 (k2) 0.466666667 0.500000000 kappa at t=3 (k3) standard error of k1 0.466666667 0.286172528 standard error of k2 standard error of k3 0.242383993 0.286172528 test statistic for testing H0:k1=k2=k3 p-value for testing H0:k1=k2=k3 0.009170985 0.995425005