
The Medpedia Project is a long-term, worldwide project to evolve a new model for sharing and advancing knowledge about health, medicine and the body among medical professionals and the general public. This model is founded on providing a free online technology platform that is collaborative, interdisciplinary and transparent. Read more about the model.

Users of the platform include physicians, consumers, medical and scientific journals, medical schools, research institutes, medical associations, hospitals, for-profit and non-profit organizations, expert patients, policy makers, students, non-professionals taking care of loved ones, individual medical professionals, scientists, etc.

As Medpedia grows over the next few years, it will become a repository of up-to-date unbiased medical information, contributed and maintained by health experts around the world, and freely available to everyone. The information in this clearinghouse will be easy to discover and navigate, and the technology platform will expand as the community invents more uses for it.

In association with Harvard Medical School, Stanford School of Medicine, Berkeley School of Public Health, University of Michigan Medical School and other leading global health organizations, Medpedia will be a commons for the gathering of the information and people critical to health care. Many organizations have united to support The Medpedia Project. See the Record of Merit. Medpedia is a technology platform – what’s available today About

Version 1.0 of the online Medpedia platform was released in beta on Feb 17, 2009. At the time three interrelated collaborative services were operational: 1) a collaborative encyclopedia or knowledge base (a wiki), 2) a Network & Directory for health professionals and organizations, and 3) Communities of Interest where medical professionals and non-professionals can share information.

Knowledge: Collaborative Medical Encyclopedia (or knowledge base) Covering any information about health, medicine and the body.

The Medpedia wiki is the collaborative encyclopedia and resource for information about health, medicine and the body. Intended Uses and Benefits: Only physicians and Ph.D.s are allowed to edit the Articles on Medpedia after they create an account and are approved as an Editor.

Non-Editors can create an account and then suggest changesthat must be approved by an Editor before going live on the site. To suggest changes, click the link "Suggest Changes" at the top of Article Pages.

Dozens of medical organizations have released, or pledged to release, content from copyright and add it to Medpedia. If you are an organization, you can apply to contribute content. Professional Network & Directory

For use by medical professionals including physicians, researchers, nurses, engineers in medical device companies, hospital administrators, public health officials, employees of medical associations, and anyone whose career in medicine and health leads them to have special expertise they can share with the community.

Also for use by medical organizations, which can register to receive their own area on the platform. For instance, organizations can use Medpedia to network their members. As of February 2009, examples include: the American Heart Association (AHA), the University of Michigan Medical School (UMMS), the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies (FOCIS), the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), the University of California Berkeley School of Public Health, and the European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNA), etc. Intended Uses and Benefits:

* Free, customizable professional network for organizations * Communications tool for working groups and associations * Recruiting tool for research collaborators, grants, and employment * Expertise directory * Clinical referral network * Professional address book for colleagues of all disciplines

Communities of Interest

For use by both medical professionals and non-professionals. Intended Uses and Benefits:


The Medpedia Project and is maintained by Medpedia Inc., a brainchild of Ooga Labs, a technology greenhouse in San Francisco. The wiki portion of Medpedia runs on Mediawiki, open source software which runs many wikis including Wikipedia. Like Wikipedia, the Articles created on are freely licensable under the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) unless otherwise noted. For more details on Medpedia license rules, see the Terms of Use.

Medpedia Board of Advisers

Other Key Advisers

Organizations working in association with Medpedia

Other organizations which support Medpedia include