R/S-PLUS Packages/Scripts/Functions
- muStat package for multivariate ordinal data (download from CRAN, CSAN
Knut M. Wittkowski, The Rockefeller University, kmw/at/rockefeller.edu
maintained by: Tingting Song, ttsong/at/rockefeller.edu
(see WebServices for the grid-enabled \xB5Stat Web server)
, a generalization of friedman.test
and kruskal.test
, a replacement of the "TDT" for family-based association studies (FBAT)
, a function to score multivariate, censored, and structured ordinal data
- Partial Least Squares (R)
- R and S-PLUS Packages from the Vanderbilt University Department of Biostatistics
- Summarize macro (display in LaTeX or screen) (R)
- Generalized Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon rank test to complete longitudinal continuous data
- Zero-inflated Poisson like log model with missing data at post
- Kappa statistics calculated based on U-statistics