Title |
text |
25 |
Give title of graphic |
Graphic Topic Name |
text |
25 |
Copy and paste wiki topic name |
Reviewer |
text |
25 |
Reviewer's name |
Content |
label |
25 |
Does this graphic stand on its own? |
Content-Rating |
radio |
3 |
Yes, No, NA |
Mark best answer. |
Content-Comment |
textarea |
80x10 |
Explain |
Communication |
label |
25 |
Is this graphic tailored to its primary communications purpose? |
Communication-Rating |
radio |
3 |
Yes, No, NA |
Mark best answer. |
Communication-Comment |
textarea |
80x10 |
Explain |
Information |
label |
25 |
Does this graphic maximize the data-to-ink ratio? |
Information-Rating |
radio |
3 |
Yes, No, NA |
Mark best answer. |
Information-Comment |
textarea |
80x10 |
Explain |
Annotation |
label |
25 |
Are the text and information legible on this graphic? |
Annotation-Rating |
radio |
3 |
Yes, No, NA |
Mark best answer. |
Annotation-Comment |
textarea |
80x10 |
Explain |
Axes |
label |
25 |
Are the axes designed to aid interpretation of a graph? |
Axes-Rating |
radio |
3 |
Yes, No, NA |
Mark best answer. |
Axes-Comment |
textarea |
80x10 |
Explain |
Colors |
label |
25 |
If appropriate for the medium of communication is color used? |
Colors-Rating |
radio |
3 |
Yes, No, NA |
Mark best answer. |
Colors-Comment |
textarea |
80x10 |
Explain |
Techniques |
label |
25 |
Are established techniques used to clarify the message? |
Techniques-Rating |
radio |
3 |
Yes, No, NA |
Mark best answer. |
Techniques-Comment |
textarea |
80x10 |
Explain |
Types of plots |
label |
25 |
Are axes designed to aid interpretation of a graph? |
Types of plots-Rating |
radio |
3 |
Yes, No, NA |
Mark best answer. |
Types of plots-Comment |
textarea |
80x10 |
Explain |