Templates for Creating Univariate Scatterplots
Why use univariate scatterplots instead of bar graphs when presenting continuous data?
Scientists often use bar and line graphs to present continuous data in small sample size studies. This PLOS Biology
paper explains why it is critically important to use figures that show the distribution of the data (univariate scatterplots, box plots or histograms). Many different data distributions can lead to the same bar or line graph. The actual data may suggest different conclusions from the summary statistics.
Univariate Scatterplots for Independent Data: Use the template below to create scatterplots for independent data in two to five groups. Independent data means that the variable of interest is measured one time in each participant, and participants are not related to each other.
CLICK here for Independent Data Template
Univariate Scatterplots for Non-independent, Paired or Matched Data: Use the template below to create scatterplots for paired, matched or non-independent data. Data are paired or non-independent when you measure the variable of interest more than one time in each participant or when participants are related to each other. Matched data occur when participants in the groups of interest are matched for important characteristics.
CLICK here for Non-independent, Paired or Matched Data Template
SPSS Instructions for Creating Univariate Scatterplots: These step-by-step
instructions show you how to quickly create univariate scatterplots for independent data in SPSS.
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29 Dec 2015, TraceyWeissgerber
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