Copy and Paste a URL
Lead Author(s): Peter Bacchetti, PhD
If you wish to use a file posted at CTSpedia within a SAS program, you can copy and paste its URL using the syntax described on the main Stat Tools Home page. For the URL that will always obtain the most current version, right-click on the link to the macro and select "Properties". You should be able to copy and paste the URL that appears on the properties panel.
To obtain the URL that will point to the version of the macro as it stands now, rather than any subsequent updates of it, go to the page that has the link to the macro, but instead of clicking on the link, click on the Attach button near the upper right corner. (Note that you must be a registered user to follow this procedure.) Although a page comes up for attaching a file, you can instead go down to the table of attachments at the bottom. Right click on the macro that you want and select "Properties". As above, you can copy the URL that appears in the properties panel, but it now has a rev number in it and will point to that specific version even if there are later updates. Click "Cancel" next to the Upload button, or use the back button, to exit the Attach page without uploading an attachment.
These methods have been tested with Microsoft Internet Explorer. Please add any needed modifications for Firefox, Safari, Chrome, etc.