Residency Project Examples

The following is a tentative guide for conducting a residency research project using electronic health records (EHR), formerly called electronic medical records (EMR). The guidelines given are merely suggestions and the proposed time line will vary depending on the project. There are two types of studies that are frequently employed in projects based on EHR, cross-sectional and follow-up studies. The typical cross-sectional study is used to answer the question "What type of patients do we typically see in this clinic" or "In what ways do these two groups differ other than by how we grouped them?". This question is answered by calculating global statistics to summarize the type of patients and perhaps to compare two or more groups. A follow-up study is often used to see which patient characteristics and measurements are predictive of a later outcome. We will provide you with an example of each of these study designs and the challenges you may come across.

  1. Year One Goal: Submit a well formulated proposal to the IRB.
  2. Year Two Goal: Acquire and organize data into an analyzable state.
  3. Year Three Goal: Conduct statistical analysis and write the manuscript.
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-- ErinEsp - 07 May 2012

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Topic revision: 17 May 2012, ErinEsp
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