The Study Design Categorizer
Q1: Does the study use or collect measurements or assessments about individual humans? YES
Q2: What is the primary mode of inquiry? QUANTITATIVE
Q3: Does the investigator assign one or more interventions? NO
Q4: Are there one or more control groups? YES
Q5: The main control group is defined by CASE STATUS
Q6: Are case and control in the same person? YES
Your Study Design Is...
Additional Descriptors:
- Timing of measurements to participant selection: one of retrospective, prospective
- Are cases and controls (or exposed and unexposed) drawn from the same cohort/sample? Yes = nested, No = non-nested [aka double cohort for cohort studies]
- Matching (subsamples matched on covariates or not)
- Case definition: one of prevalence, incidence
- Control group subtype: one of family-based, not family-based
- Control group timing: one of historical, contemporaneous [is this needed?]
- Sampling method: one of probability, non-probability
These additional descriptors in the Study Design presentation are listed on the Observational Studies slide. Do they only pertain Case Crossover studies?
-- SimonaCarini - 23 Dec 2008