Univ of Utah SDBC Analysis Plan Template - 2015

(Whenever you use these materials, please acknowlege Lisa Pappas and the

The University of Utah

Study Design and Biostatistics Center

Center for Clinical and Translational Science



Principal Investigator: [Principal Investigator]

Statistician: [Lisa Pappas at Univ of Utah]

Date: [Publish Date]


Write a short description of the project. Describe the type of project; survey, analysis, repeated measures etc. Include the target publication, such as abstract, meeting presentation, paper, or grant submission, as well as submission dates.

Investigator’s Description

Insert the investigator’s description here.


Describe the data. Was the data already collected? Was it a designed experiment? This section is to make sure that the data you think you are working with is the same data that the investigator thinks you are working with.

Include major predictors and outcomes. lists of variables can be moved to an appendix or separate document. Describe how the data was collected; prospective retrospective, etc. This does not take the place of a data dictionary.

Research Objectives

Describe the research objectives.

\xB7 Use bullets


Detail the analyses to answer the research objectives. Specify each analysis, the distributions and test going to be used. Explicitly state assumptions and where those might be violated.

SDBC Information

Please remember to acknowledge the SDBC: "This investigation was supported by the University of Utah Study Design and Biostatistics Center, with funding in part from the National Center for Research Resources and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health, through Grant 8UL1TR000105 (formerly UL1RR025764).".

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