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- edit an existing topic (discussed later)
- attach files to a topic (discussed later)
[Print version]
- goes to a stripped down version of the page, good for printing
- topics are under revision control - History
shows you the complete change history of the topic, for example, who changed what and when
[View wiki text]
- show the source text's TopicMarkupLanguage without editing the topic
[More topic actions]
- topic additional controls, [Create New Topic]
link in the main menu; it is normally located on the left side of a page. A new page will open where you put the name of the new topic you are going to create. This name will also be used to link from one topic to another. For example, the name of this topic is TwentyMinuteTutorial.
(if it says that this topic already exists, just choose a different one). After that, click [OK]
to save the page. The edit mode disappears and you will be redirected to the topic you just created. Congratulations - you are now actively participating in Foswiki! And it was really simple, wasn't it?
link - you will be redirected to the edit mode again.
, the new topic will be called MySecondTopic
, too. MySecondTopic
) from being attached for security reasons.[Attach]
to find a file on your PC that you'd like to attach; enter an optional comment; leave everything else unchecked.
[Upload file]
, then scroll to the end of the page to see the new attachment listing.
box saying Create a link to the attached file. Once saving the topic, the image will show up at the bottom of the topic.
) anywhere on the page.