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TITLE Case Study: Should statisticians patent?


BiostatEthicsCaseStudyForm edit

Title_Biostatistics_Ethics_Case_Study Should statisticians patent?
Name_Case_Contributor Shelley Hurwitz
Deidentified_Material Yes
No_Copyright_Restrictions Yes
Case_Presentation Statistical methods and study designs can be patented. Dr. David
A. Schoenfeld, Harvard Medical School, developed a new clinical trial
design, the "Sequential Parallel Design," and considered patenting
it. He asked, is patenting a statistical design ethical? Do you
think patenting methods will impede or encourage their use? Should
patenting be encouraged or discouraged? What are the practical and
ethical consequences of patenting and/or using patented methods?
(posted with permission)
See Also
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This topic: CTSpedia > WebHome > EthicsBiostat > StatEthicsCaseStudies > BiostatEthicsCaseStudy004
Topic revision: 07 Feb 2013, MaryBanach
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