Graphics Presentation Archive
See Table of Contents for the Graphics Presentation Archive
DIA 2014 Presentations
General Principles, Illustrations and Wiki Resources for Improving Statistical Graphs (September 2013)
Statistical Methods in Biopharmacy: Emerging Topics for Statistical Methodology in Clinical Drug Development (September 2013)
Graphics in Safety and Risk Analysis (November, 2012)
PhUSE Meeting, San Diego (September 2012)
DIA Annual Meeting (June 2011)
Innovative Graphical Approaches to Display Safety Data Collected in Clinical Trial Research
Abstract: This session will be given by representatives of the Industry/FDA/Academia Safety Graphics Working Group created to promote and develop a palette of graphics for visualization of clinical trial safety data. The worksteam consists four subteams – General Principles, General Adverse Events, Labs/Liver, and ECG/Vital Signs. Efforts of each subteam will be presented, including innovative graphical approaches to address key safety issues that arise in the development of biologics and drugs. Graphical displays presented will emphasize the advantages of using data visualization approaches over traditional use of tabular summaries. Additionally, information on the use of a wiki environment for collaborative development of data visualizations will be shown. Such a collaborative environment allows continual development of new approaches along with information and software or code to implement the graphical approaches in each participating organization.
General Principles, Illustrations and Wiki Resources for Improving Your Statistical Graphs (Presenter: Brenda Crowe, Ph.D.)
The Forest for the Trees: Visualizing Adverse Events (Presenter: Andreas Brueckner, M.S.)
Organized and Effective Interpretation of Clinical Laboratory Data: Graphs Make a Difference (Presenter: Robert "Mac" Gordon, M.S.)
Signal Detection, Strengthening, and Management Based on Clinical Trial, Spontaneous Claims, and EHR Data
Decision Making and Safety in Clinical Trials: Graphs Make a Difference! (Presenter: Susan Duke, M.S.)
ICSA Applied Statistics Symposium (June 2011)
Abstract: This session will be given by representatives of the Industry/FDA/Academia Safety Graphics Working Group created to promote and develop a palette of graphics for visualization of clinical trial safety data. The worksteam consists four subteams – General Principles, Adverse Events, Labs, and ECG/Vital Signs. Efforts of each subteam will be presented, including innovative graphical approaches to address key safety issues that arise in the development of biologics and drugs.
Wiki Resources for Improving Your Statistical Graphs (Richard Forshee, Ph.D.)
Is There a Safety Signal? Overwhelmed by Numbers on Safety Tables and Listings... (Liping Huang, Ph.D.)
Organized and Effective Interpretation of Clinical Laboratory Data: Graphs Make a Difference (Presenter: Robert "Mac" Gordon, M.S.)
QTc Clinical Questions and Example Graphs (Rich Anziano, M.S.)
Quantitative Sciences in Pharmaceutical Industry (QSPI) Meeting (March 2012)
Title 1 (Ken Koury, Ph.D.)
Title 2 (Susan Duke, M.S.)
Title 3 (Robert "Mac" Gordon, M.S.)
Title 4 (Qi Jiang, Ph.D.)
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20 Oct 2014, MaryBanach

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