-- YinglinXia - 13 Mar 2012

"Rochester_MIXED_MSEM Main Macro"

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
MIXED_MSEM.sassas MIXED_MSEM.sas manage 3 K 13 Mar 2012 - 14:45 UnknownUser Main macro to model mediation analysis with two level nested data
MIXED_MSEM_SASExampleCode.sassas MIXED_MSEM_SASExampleCode.sas manage 476 bytes 13 Mar 2012 - 14:47 UnknownUser An Example using SAS MIXED_MSEM macro
Rochester_MIXED_MEDIATION_SAS_Example_Output__as_HTML.pdfpdf Rochester_MIXED_MEDIATION_SAS_Example_Output__as_HTML.pdf manage 129 K 13 Mar 2012 - 14:49 UnknownUser SAS Output from the example using MIXED_MSEM macro
sim.datdat sim.dat manage 4 K 15 Mar 2012 - 13:13 UnknownUser Simulated data for example using MIXED_MSEM macro