Ques Gen

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Ques Gen is a web-based data management system uniquely developed for academic and commercial research studies and clinical trials. The data capture required for each study is custom built to address each study's specific needs. The system can typically be configured in about a week, depending on project requirements. The Ques Gen application is reliable, secure and flexible.


Ques Gen offers a patient recruiting module that is unique to each study. First, an informational website is created for the study. From that site, secure custom screening surveys can be sent to interested participants. Thorough screening using inclusion and exclusion queries, skip logic and necessary calculations are written into each survey based on study protocols. This has proven to be a valuable tool to research teams by saving significant man hours in traditional recruiting phone tag. A number of UCSF studies are using this service. .

In addition, Ques Gen provides expert information on any aspects of data management, we would be happy to do so. We have extensive background in relational database creation and administration as well as years of working with research teams in all aspects of study design.

Online Calculators

Quesgen also features online statistical calculators and utilities free of charge. http://quesgen.com/Calculators/Calculators.html

Topic attachments
I Attachment Action Size Date Who Comment
QuesGenLogo.gifgif QuesGenLogo.gif manage 1 K 05 Jun 2009 - 21:03 UnknownUser