Dataset Title | Vaso Dataset (vaso.dta) |
Contributor/Email | GregoryStoddard |
CTSA | Utah |
Acknowledgment | Please cite the appropriate contributors/authors/contacts when using or adapting these materials. |
Description of Source | Dataset to accompany textbook: Aitkin M, Anderson D, Fancis B, Hinde J. Statistical Modeling in GLIM. Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1989. Data were originally published in Finney DJ, The estimation from original records of the relationship between dose and quantal response. Biometrika 1947;34:320-334. |
Description of Dataset | The data were obtained in a carefully controlled study of the effect of the RATE and VOLume of air inspired by human subjects on the occurrence (coded 1) or non-occurrence (coded 0) of a transient vasoconstriction RESPonse in the skin of the fingers. Three subjects were involved in the study: the first contributed 9 observations at different values of RATE and VOL, the second 8, and the third 22 observations. The experiment was designed to ensure as far as possible that successive observations obtained on each subject were independent: serial correlation between successive observations on the same subject is such studies is always a possibility. The aim is to fit a statistical model relating RESP to RATE and VOL. (Aitkin, et al. p.167). |
Codebook | n = 39 outcome resp response (1=occurrence of vasoconstriction, 0=non-occurrence of vasoconstriction) predictors vol volume of air inspired rate rate of air inspired. |
Keywords | |
See Also | Appendix 1 - Stoddard GJ. Biostatistics and Epidemiology Using Stata [unpublished manuscript] University of Utah School of Medicine, 2009. |
Disclaimer | The views expressed within CTSpedia are those of the author and must not be taken to represent policy or guidance on the behalf of any organization or institution with which the author is affiliated. |