Return to Residency Training Programs

Year One: Study Preparation

%EDITTABLE{format="|Text, 20 | Text, 40 | Text, 40 | Text, 20 | "}%
Type of Study (Links) Describe Subjects Describe Comparisons Associations
Testing: Case-Control Inpatient xxx    

Year Two: Data Collection

%EDITTABLE{format="|Text, 20 | Text, 20 | Text, 20 | Text, 20 | Text, 20 |"}%
Variable Naming (Links) Type of Variable: Independent, Dependent Data: Categorical, Nominal, Ordinal Coding
Testing IC-9 for Stroke     Numbers

SummaryResidencyProjectForm edit

Project Name Testing
Resident's Name
Resident's Department Internal Medicine
Mentor's Name
Mentor's Department Internal Medicine
Year 1 Section Please complete the Year 1 Section during Year 1 of your Residency Project.
Abstract Testing
Literature Review
Type of Study Medical Records Review
Describe Other
ResidencyYearOne IRB Documents
IRB Submission 26 Jan 2012
Study Classification case control
Data Source EMR + Chart Review
Describe Other Source
Type of Data categorical
Year 2 Section Please complete the Year 2 Section during Year 2 of your Residency Project.
Data Collection
List Variables
ResidencyYearTwo Residency Year Two Documents
Year 3 Section Please complete the Year 3 Section during Year 3 of your Residency Project.
Type of Analysis
Project Keywords
This topic: CTSpedia > WebHome > EducationalMaterialsBERD > ResidencyTrainingPrograms > ResidencyProjectGuidelines > ResidencySummary000
Topic revision: 06 Feb 2012, MaryBanach
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