Reference List for Statistical Graphics
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Author |
Title |
Contributed by |
W.S. Cleveland |
Visualizing Data. Hobart Press, Summit, NJ, 1993. |
Susan Duke |
W.S. Cleveland |
Elements of Graphing Data. Hobart Press, Summit, NJ, 1993. |
Susan Duke |
P. Murrell |
R Graphics. Chapman and Hall, Baco Raton, FL, 2006. |
N.B. Robbins |
Creating More Effective Graphs. Wiley-Interscience, 2004. |
Susan Duke |
D. Sarkar |
Lattice: Multivariate Data Visualization with R. Springer, New York, NY, 2008. |
E.R. Tufte |
The Visual Display of Qualitative Information. Graphics Press, Chesire, CT, 1983. |
Susan Duke |
E.R. Tufte |
Envisioning Information. Graphics Press, Chesire, CT, 1990. |
Susan Duke |
E.R. Tufte |
Visual Explanations. Graphics Press, Chesire, CT, 1997. |
Susan Duke |
J. Steele, N. Iliinsky, Ed. |
Beautiful Visualization. O'Reilly, Sebastopol CA, 2010. |
Frank Harrell |
J. Bertin |
Semiology of Graphics. Esri Press, Redlands CA, 1967, repub. 2011. |
Frank Harrell |
A.M. Nicol, P.M. Pexman |
Displaying Your Findings American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, 2010 |
Mary Banach |
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Author |
Title |
Link |
Contributed by |
O. Amit, R.M. Heiberger, and P.W. Lane |
Graphical approaches to the analysis of safety data from clinical trials. Pharmaceutical Statisitics. 2008. 7:20-35. |
Susan Duke |
Swihart, Bruce J; Caffo, Briana; James, Bryan D.; Strand, Matthew; Schwartz, Brian S; Punjabi, Naresh M. |
Lasagna Plots |
RichardForshee |
Cox, N. J. |
Graphing Distributions |
RichardForshee |
Pocock, S.J., Travison, T.G., Wruck, L.M. (2007) |
Figures in clinical trial reports: current practice & scope for improvement |
Andreas Krause |
Haemer, K.W. (1947) |
The perils of perspective. The American Statistician, Vol. 1, No. 3, p. 19 |
Andreas Krause |
Haemer, K.W. (1951) |
The pseudo third dimension. American Statistician (1951), Vol 5, 28 |
Andreas Krause |
Haemer, K.W. (1950) |
Color in chart presentation. American Statistician, Vol 4, p 20 |
Andreas Krause |
Pocock, S.J. (2008) |
How to interpret figures in reports of clinical trials |
Andreas Krause |
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Slides from Presentations
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21 Jun 2012, MaryBanach

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