CTSpedia Reviews
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We would like to Borko Jovanovic and students at Northwestern for designing and initiating this review.
Instructions for Completing CTSpedia Reivew Form:
CTSpedia was created as a national effort to collect wisdom, tools, educational materials, and other items useful for clinical and translational researchers and to provide timely and useful advice to clinical and translational researchers with specific problems.
Click on the "Add Review CTSpedia" button. Please visit the seven locations listed on the form. After reviewing it, please mark whether the location would be useful to you as follows:
1 = Not useful at all
2 = Not really useful
3 = Maybe useful a bit
4 = Definitely useful
5 = Very useful
Please provide a sentence or two of additional thoughts for each location. This information may be used in the future to improve the CTSPedia web site.
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Reviews CTSpedia
Click on Review Number to see all comments.
Number of topics: 6
This topic: CTSpedia
> WebHome > ReviewCTSpedia
Topic revision:
23 Oct 2012, MaryBanach
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